Austin, Texas
December 4, 2018
results thanks to
Smackdown kicks off with highlights of last week’s show involving the women’s division.
In the arena, Smackdown Live General Manager Paige is in the ring and says that Smackdown is the brand that makes history. She says she is proud to sanction the first ever women’s TLC match for the women’s championship. She introduces Asuka to the ring followed by Charlotte Flair and the champion Becky Lynch.
The champion says we are making history? We must be Tuesday because when you’re the man, you make history every time you step in the ring. And she plans on doing the same thing at TLC. Becky says she will do everything it takes to win.
Charlotte tells Becky to change the song because it is the same one every week. Charlotte says she picked up the ball that Becky dropped at Survivor Series and destroyed Ronda Rousey. And she is pretty sure it took Nia one punch to bust her face open. Charlotte tells Becky to imagine what she can do to her with tables, ladders and chairs.
Asuka gets on the microphone and tells Charlotte that Becky already beat her but Becky never beat her. Asuka says at Survivor Series, she would have beaten Ronda and at Survivor Series, she will beat them.
Charlotte tells Asuka that she would beat Ronda? Because she beat her at Wrestlemania and broke her streak. Asuka tells Charlotte she got lucky one time.
Becky tells Charlotte and Asuka that they can’t beat Ronda Rousey and they can’t beat her either. She signs the contract and leaves the ring. Charlotte tells Becky that Becky is all talk these days anyways and she will beat her and Asuka, again. Asuka begins to speak in Japanese but Charlotte cuts her off and tells her she will finish her at TLC.
Paige tells them to back up and sign. Charlotte signs the contract followed by Asuka. She signs and asks Charlote why doesn’t she break her right now? Mandy Rose’s music hits and out she comes with Sonya Deville.
Mandy asks Paige if this is really how she wants to make history, with these undeserving women? Instead of the two women who she personally groomed for stardom in WWE. Mandy tells Charlotte that she lost at Survivor Series. Sonya tells Asuka that she only won that battle royal by a fluke. She says that she dominated every woman in that match but she made one small mistake and it won’t happen again.
Rose tells Paige that if she wants fire and desire, she is looking at them right now. She knows that Asuka and Charlotte signed the contract but what happens if they don’t make it to TLC?
Paige makes a tag team match, Mandy and Sonya against Charlotte and Asuka.
-Commercial Break-
Shane McMahon is backstage and The Miz asks him why he has Daniel Bryan on Miz TV tonight. Shane tells him because Miz TV is the greatest talk show. Miz mentions again how they are meant to be the best tag team in the world. Shane tells him they are not partners and he should concentrate on having Bryan on Miz TV tonight.
The bell rings and we are under way. Asuka is in the ring with Sonya. Both women exchange arm bar reversals. Sonya with a knee to the back of Asuka as she tags Mandy in. Both women tag team Asuka as Mandy goes for the cover but a kick out by Asuka.
A right hand by Asuka and a drop kick by Asuka. She goes for the cover but a kick out by Mandy. Asuka taunts Sonya and tags Charlotte into the match. A snap mare take down by Charlotte followed by a kick to the back of the head. Charlotte goes for a body slam but Mandy reverses it and pushes Charlotte into the turn buckle. Both women back up and Charlotte with a suplex onto Mandy. In comes Sonya and a throw away slam by Charlotte. Both women roll to the outside as Charlotte jumps over the top rope landing on them. Out comes the WWE Smackdown women’s champion Becky.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Rose goes for the cover on Asuka but Asuka kicks out. Becky Lynch is sitting at ring side. Mandy tags Sonya in as both women double team Asuka. Knees to the stomach by Sonya followed by a running knee to the face. She goes for the cover but Asuka kicks out. Sonya tags Mandy into the match.
Right hands by Asuka but a flying knee by Mandy. She goes for the cover but once more Asuka kicks out. Asuka in the corner and Mandy with kicks to the back and she tags Sonya in. She kicks Asuka a few times and tags Mandy back in. Mandy with a clothesline. She lifts Asuka up with her legs but Asuka reverses it into a modified bulldog. She tags Charlotte and Mandy tags Sonya in. Charlotte with chops to the chest onto Sonya. A belly to back suplex by Charlotte followed by a spear.
In comes Mandy but Charlotte throws her to the outside. Mandy trips Asuka down and Mandy gets on the ring apron. Charlotte with a right hand on Sonya but in the mean time, Asuka trips Mandy down and gets on the ring apron. Charlotte turns around and delivers a kick onto Asuka, thinking it was Mandy. Charlotte goes after Sonya but in comes Asuka with a flying kick to the head onto Charlotte. Sonya goes for the cover and gets the 3 count.
-Commercial Break-
Jey and Xavier throw Cesaro to the outside of the ring. Jey with a roll up but Woods kicks out, Woods with a roll up but Jey kicks out. Both men exchange more covers. In comes Cesaro and a double clothesline by Jey and Woods takes Cesaro to the outside.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Jey jumps off the top rope but Cesaro with an uppercut. He goes for the cover but Jey kicks out. Xavier on the ring apron hits Cesaro and Jey takes Cesaro out. A Samoan drop by Jey onto Woods. Cesaro rolls out of the ring and Jey jumps over the top rope onto Cesaro on the outside. Woods jumps through the ropes and lands a tornado DDT onto Uso on the outside.
Woods throws Cesaro in the ring. Cesaro throws Woods in the corner but Jey with a kick takes Cesaro down. Jey flies off the top rope and goes for the splash but Cesaro gets the knees up. He goes for the cover but Uso kicks out. A flying elbnow by Woods onto Cesaro. He goes for the cover but Jey breaks it up.
Woods and Jey exchange right hands. Cesaro gets Woods on his shoulders and spins Jey around with his legs. Cesaro drops Jey and locks the sharpshooter in on Xavier Woods. In comes Jey Uso and a super kick on Cesaro, Woods goes for the cover on Cesaro but Cesaro kicks out and throws Woods to the outside. He turns around and Jey Uso with a super kick on Cesaro. He goes for the cover and gets the victory.
Rusev and Lana are backstage and Rusev is asked about last week where he was supposed to take on Shinsuke Nakamura but Nakamura attacked him from behind. Rusev says Nakamura is terrified of him. Rusev talks about how physically big he is. Rusev says he is hungry but not for food. He is hungry for his WWE United States title. Rusev says the title represents honor, courage and tradition and Nakamura doesn’t have that because he is constantly trying to avoid defending it. But when he gets his hands on Nakamura, he will feast on him on the greatest holiday of all. Rusev Day!
-Commercial Break-
A video hyping up Lars Sullivan airs.
Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV but as he is, Carmella and R-Truth come out.
They both yell dance break and start to dance. Truth tells Miz as he was and they both leave to the back.
The Miz asks the fans if they really start dancing and asks if he may continue. He welcomes everyone to Miz TV. He says over the course of an 8 year saga, Daniel Bryan has appeared on Miz TV numerous times. But for the first time ever, appearing on Miz TV, the WWE champion, the new Daniel Bryan.
Miz asks what he should call him but he will stick to Daniel because he looks the same. However, there is something new about him. Miz says that Daniel Bryan has realized that it’s winning or losing and Bryan finally realized that he was right all along. Bryan says that the old Daniel Bryan was very, very smart. But how smart could he have been if he constantly catered to the opinion of the fans. He realized that he doesn’t care about the people and he has allowed his dreams to take control.
Bryan says he doesn’t have many people to discuss these ideas with but he does have books. Where he can consult the fellow great minds of history. Like Alexander Hamilton. He calls the fans fickle. Bryan insults the fans for constantly saying what. Bryan calls the fans sheep. The Miz says he is listening to what he is saying but everything he just said, The Miz has been saying it for years.
The Miz says the only reason Daniel Bryan has the WWE title is because he did what ever it took, just like he said. Bryan says his problem is The Miz dances around the issue and never gets to the point. He kicked AJ Styles in the groin. But to be clear, he kicked one man in the groin on one day. These people harm the earth every single day with their needless consumption. When they eat their factory farmed meat and drinks their plastic bottles. If you want to count sins, he kicked one man in the groin on one day. These people commit countless atrocities against the earth and future generations every single day, every single week, every single month, every single year. Count the sins.
The Miz asks Bryan if he really thought he brought him out here to talk about Alexander Hamilton and water bottles. For 8 years, Bryan had him painted as being the bad guy. But The Miz saw it all. The Miz asks if he is WWE champion because he listened to what he said. Yes or no. The fans chant yes. Daniel Bryan says yes, no, yes, no. Bryan says it does not matter. The only thing that matters is that the old Daniel Bryan is dead. The yes movement is dead. And the most important thing that no one can’t do anything about is this. He says here is your WWE champion, the new Daniel Bryan as he lifts the title in the air.
AJ Styles music hits and he comes down to the ring. Bryan pushes The Miz into Styles and Styles takes him down. Bryan leaves the ring but AJ catches him. Bryan gets in the ring but The Miz goes after AJ and as does Bryan. AJ beats on both men but Bryan leaves the ring and The Miz lands the Skull Crushing Finale on AJ.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and we are under way. A clothesline by Hardy takes Orton to the outside. Jeff with a flying splash onto Orton on the outside as he sends Randy into the ring post. But a right hand and a kick by Orton. He slams Jeff face first into the announce table. Jeff reverses the momentum and smashes Orton’s head into the announce table. He lifts Orton up and drops him on the table.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Randy Orton has Jeff Hardy in a head lock. Hardy gets out of it and delivers a kick onto Orton which slows him down. Jeff gets on the top rope and the whisper in the wind. He goes for the cover but Orton kicks out. Right hands by both men but a forearm by Hardy and an atomic drop takes Randy down. He goes for the cover but Orton kicks out again.
Jeff goes for the twist of fate but a back elbow by Orton and Jeff lands on the ring apron. Orton grabs Jeff and with his legs on the second rope, Orton delivers a DDT dropping Hardy down. Orton goes for the RKO but Hardy gets out of it and a flying forearm by Hardy takes Orton down.
Jeff Hardy climbs the top rope but Orton hits Jeff taking him down. With Hardy on the second rope, ORton climbs up going for a suplex but Hardy slides under him and drops Orton face first onto the turnbuckle. Jeff Hardy lands the Twist of Fate. He climbs the top rope but Orton slides to the outside of the ring. A kick by Jeff takes Orton down on the outside. Hardy cleans up the announce table and drops Orton on it again. With Orton on the announce table, Jeff climbs the top rope but Samoa Joe appears on the big screen.
Joe tells Hardy he is at the bar and tells Hardy he is doing great. Back in the ring, Orton hits Hardy with an RKO and gets the victory.
Samoa Joe is back on the screen. He introduces himself and says moderation is key. He says you can choose to have a few drinks and enjoy yourself. Or you can choose to have 14 of them and wake up in jail. The choice is clear, drink responsibly.
-Commercial Break-
The New Day will host a rap battle between The Bar and The Usos next week. Also announced for next week is Charlotte Flair against Asuka.
Backstage, WWE champion Daniel Bryan is asked why he is still backstage. Bryan says the new Daniel Bryan does not run. Everything he does, he does with a purpose and now he goes on commentary.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and we are under way. AJ Styles goes right after The Miz. A chop to the chest by AJ and he sends The Miz to the other turnbuckle. AJ sends The Miz to the ropes and a drop kick takes The Miz down. The Miz rolls to the outside and AJ starts running after him. The Miz gets back in the ring but AJ trips him up. AJ gets on the ring apron, jumps over the top rope and lands a leg drop. He goes for the cover but The Miz kicks out.
Both men back up and a jaw breaker by The Miz. A right hand by AJ but a running knee by The Miz takes AJ Styles down. The Miz with a modified camel clutch but AJ gets out of it. An elbow by AJ however The Miz drops AJ down. He goes for the cover but AJ kicks out.
The Miz runs towards AJ but AJ lands a super kick. AJ runs towards The Miz but The Miz lifts him up and AJ lands on the ring apron. The Miz knocks AJ down to the outside.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, AJ with a big splash on The Miz. He goes for the cover but The Miz kicks out. Styles goes for the Styles clash but the Miz reverses it and sends AJ into the turnbuckle. A DDT by The Miz. He goes for the cover but AJ kicks out. The Miz goes to kick AJ but AJ moves out of the way and throws The Miz to the outside. AJ flies over the top rope and hits The Miz with a forearm.
Daniel Bryan stands up from his chair on commentary and grabs AJ’s attention. He extends his hand to AJ and in comes The Miz from behind who throws AJ into the ring steps. He sends AJ back in the ring and lands the Skill Crushing Finale. He goes for the cover but AJ Styles kicks out.
The Miz goes for the figure four but AJ kicks him off into the ring post. The referee is distracted by The Miz. Daniel Bryan grabs AJ’s leg but AJ kicks him away. The Miz runs towards AJ but AJ locks in the Calf Crusher and The Miz taps out.
Daniel Bryan attacks AJ Styles after the match. He smashes AJ’s left leg into the ring post. He grabs AJ and sends him into the ring post. Bryan throws AJ Styles in the ring and repeatedly goes after his left leg.